10.8 Toyota Enterprise Lead Management System (ELMS)

*This new integration with Toyota will allow our Toyota dealerships to receive and respond to their electronic leads by either indicating the disposition via workplan notes, appointments or based on the status of the resulting lead which is created in PBS. This will allow Toyota to ensure that electronic leads are being worked through completely and receive customer information updates which are made to their leads.

Initial Set Ups

First a call will need to be escalated to the Sales Development team which indicates what the dealership Dealer Code and PBS Serial Number is. Development will set up the dealer code and the dealership will start receiving and communicating lead data.

What to Expect

After the dealer code has been set up and Toyota starts pushing lead data for the dealership, you will see leads populate onto the Sales Internet Leads Dashboard. New leads will be added in real-time and the dashboard will need to be refreshed to see the new leads populate.

Once the Lead has been imported the dealer will be able to communicate the dispositions to Toyota.

This will allow Toyota to see what is being done to contact this customer, change in status, and if there is a show or no-show for a scheduled appointment.

As the sale evolves, customer information is verified, and the status of the lead is updated dispositions will be sent back to Toyota to reflect the current status of the lead. If the lead is marked as Sold or Cancelled in the DMS, Toyota will be notified.