10.13 Additional Sales Features
KB 2012, Release Note, Sales Development, 11/1/2021
*This document will briefly describe how a few of the smaller enhancements added to version 10.13 work. These enhancements are available in version 10.13.0 and later.
*Payment Date
Users can change the Payment Date on a Deal by using the drop-down arrow to select a different Date from the Calendar.
The Requirements field in the Programs detail has been made larger for better visibility. Users can easily identify what options are needed in order to apply the Programs.
Users can select which Trade they would prefer to show on the Worksheet by selecting the star beside the Trade description.
*Price Adjustment
When adding a Price Adjustment to a Deal, Users are able to select if the Adjustment should be included as a Gross Adjustment. Price Adjustments checked as Gross Adjustments will show in the Cash screen as a Vehicle Cost Adjustment. This also applies to any Incentives added to the Deal.
*Additional Dashboard Columns
The Appraised Value and Distributor are available to be added as columns to the Vehicle Dashboard and the Find Vehicle screen.
*Change Retail Price
On the Vehicle Dashboard, Users can quickly update a Retail Price through the right-click menu.
*Tire Storage Records
When a Vehicle has a Tire Storage record, it will update to the new Owner when a Deal is Delivered or the Vehicle has been Arrived.
*Scenario View
A new Permission has been added to allow access to the Scenario View within a Deal. Users that currently have Worksheet access will have this permission applied automatically when the software is updated.
*Roll Payments
The ability to roll the payment on a Deal has been tied to the permission Modify Price.
*Disable Roll Payments
A Users ability to roll a Deal Payment or Payable on Delivery into the Gross Profit can be Enabled or Disabled by a Flag in the Sales Control File.
*Default BDC User
A default BDC User can be added in the Sales Control File and Users will receive a Notification when a Deal is created.
*Refundable Deposits
From the Sales Control File, Users can disable Refundable Deposits which will disallow them being taken on a Deal.
*Control Flag - Required Type and Source
When Enabled, the Control Flag Required Type and Source will allow Dealer Trade, Fleet, and Wholesale Deals to be created without a Lead, Prospect, or Source type.
Please contact PBS to have this feature turned on.
*Control Flag - Disallow Conditionally Sold
A Control Flag has been added to disallow Conditionally Sold Vehicles from being attached to new Deals. When the Flag is enabled, the User will receive a notification when trying to attach a Sold Vehicle to a Deal.
Please contact PBS to have this feature turned on.
*Forms Filters
The Forms filters have been re-organized. Pay Per Use and Signable have been moved to the bottom of the Forms Maintenance screen.
*Tax Structure - Tax the first Trade
A flag has been added to the Tax Structure to only tax the first Trade on the Deal.
*Window Stickers
Additional fields have been added to Window Stickers allowing Users to add any field that is displayed on the Vehicles Basic, Service or Advanced views.
*Dashboard Filters
Calc Types have been added to the Dashboard filters and Insights on the Sales Dashboards.
*VSI Fee
VSI Fee type has been added to Fee Maintenance. This fee value can be set in the Lender File to pull into the Deal.
*Build Vehicle - Model Number
When creating a Build Vehicle, the Model Number will show beside the Trim and Body descriptions.
*Route One
When sending Route One e-contracting in the United States, the system will send the Insurance Address, Zip, City, State, Effective and Expiry Date.