10.14 Patch Release - Sales Features
This document will briefly describe small Sales enhancements added to Patch Releases in version 10.14. These changes are available in version 10.14.0 and later.
Tax Structure - Oklahoma
A new Oklahoma tax calculation has been added to help Dealerships create proper tax structures, reduce errors and eliminate manual input.
For used vehicles, a flat $20 is charged on the first $1500, and the remaining balance is taxed at 3.25%.
For new vehicles, the total price is taxed at 3.25%.
Tax is calculated to the third decimal place, rounded up to the next whole cent when the third decimal place is greater than four and then rounded to the nearest dollar.
The new tax type aligns with the Oklahoma Administrative Code 710:60-7-1. The taxable amount of the vehicle is the purchase price, including any accessories or protection products that are affixed/attached/applied to the vehicle (3M, Rustproofing, Paint Protection, Fabric Protection). The taxable amount is not reduced by a trade credit, or increased by a lien payout or negative equity. The taxable amount is not increased by Fees, Warranties, or any Protections that are not affixed/attached/applied to the vehicle (Tire and Rim, Key, Insurance, or Gap).
To access this feature, follow the path:
Deal > Maintenance > Advanced Setups > Tax Structure > Lease Type
Forms Maintenance - Duplex Printing
Forms printing setups have been updated to support Duplex printing with a new flag added to the Forms Maintenance. This allows Dealerships to have different printing options without the need to install a duplicate version of the printer. In addition, the window has undergone a visual rework with Setups moved to the top and the Criteria options at the bottom.
To turn this feature on, follow the path:
Deal > Maintenance > Forms > Forms > Duplex
Global Search - Sales Manager and Business Manager Visibility
At a glance, users can quickly see the
Sales Manager
Business Manager
information from the Global Search function instead of opening up the Deal.
10.14.3 Patch Version
Deal Disclosure - Dealership's Website and Email Address Added
When printing the Deal Disclosure report, the printout includes the Dealership's Website and Email Address information.
RouteOne - Update to Fields for eContracts and Credit Apps
Additional fields have been added to RouteOne integration to ensure relevant and correct data is sent for e-Contacts and Credit Apps. The following information is included:
Vehicle Trim
Contract Type for Warranties
Protections information added
Insurance information added
10.14.7 Patch Version
Control File Setting - Disable Lot Removal on Customer File Status
A new setting has been added to the Sales Control File to provide Dealerships with the option to remove or keep the lot on a vehicle when the ownership is updated to a Customer File Status.
To access this feature, follow the path:
System > Maintenance > Sales Control File> Vehicle Default s> Disable Lot Removal on Customer File Status
10.14.10 Patch Version
Dealer Trades - Automatically Update Vehicle Information on an Unlocked Deal if the Stock# on the Vehicle Matches the Stock# on the Deal
There is a change introduced in Deal Trades to streamline Dealership's processes. The software will only automatically update the vehicle information if the Stock Number on the vehicle matches the Stock Number on the Deal. If the Stock Numbers do not match, there will be a warning icon (Dorito) next to the vehicle indicating it has a new Stock Number. When clicking on the warning icon, and answering the prompt the system will update the vehicle information.
10.14.11 Patch Version
Vehicle - Reset Retail Price to Zero on Trade Arrival
With the addition of the
Disable Lot Removal on Customer File Status
setting, Dealerships have the option to set the retail value of a trade-in vehicle to zero when arriving the trade. By default, the setting is set to No.
To access this feature, follow the path:
System > Maintenance > Sales Control File > Vehicle Defaults > Zero Retail on Trade Arrival
When the control file is set to Yes, the example below shows the retail value set to zero on arriving the trade.
Deal with a Trade with a retail value of $14,0000: