Deal Delivery - Forms Printing

The Delivery tab of a Deal now features an enhanced Forms Printing interface! Searching for specific Forms has been made easier with the addition of sorting columns and search bar filtering!


Program: The Form Program name

Name: The given name of the Form

E-signable: Visual indicator if the Form can be signed electronically

Type: Form Type (EG. Custom, Laser, OKI)

Status: The status of the Form (EG. Available, In-Progress, Completed)


Available: Forms that have not been printed or signed

In-Progress: Forms that have been sent to a Customer but have not been signed and returned

Completed: Forms that have been signed and the document has been downloaded by the User

Right-Click Menu

Print: The Form will print to the designated printer

Preview: The system will open a separate window with a preview of the Form selected

Cancel: Whether the Form is Completed or In-Progress, this action will cancel it and return it to the Available status.

Search Forms: Opens a separate window that allows users to search and print specific Forms.

Set Printers: Opens a separate window that lets users set the printer the Forms will print from

Updating Forms After A Deal Change

If a Deal is modified after a Form has been printed or signed, Users must Cancel the Form in order to re-generate it with the revised information; otherwise, the Form will remain in the state it was in at the time of printing or signing.

Example: If a Deal is modified the Forms need to reflect the changes, right-click on the Completed Form and select Cancel. This will bring the Form back to the Available section and the Form will update with the revised information.