10.11 Additional Sales Features

*This document will briefly describe how a few of the smaller enhancements added to version 10.11 work. These enhancements are available in version 10.11.0 and later.

Disclosure Footer

If added, the Disclosure Footer will print at the bottom of Deal reports.

* System > Maintenance > Sales Control File > Deal Defaults > Disclosure Footer

Tax Override

Added the ability to allow an override on each component of the Tax Code (Tax1, Tax2, Tax3, Tax4, Tax5).

Scenario Templates, Vehicle Adjustments

Within Scenario Templates, a section for Vehicle Adjustments has been added. Users can select if they want a Vehicle Adjustment to default when using a specific Scenario Template. Users are also able to change the default amount from within Scenario Templates.

Default Vehicle View

When creating a new User profile, if a Default Vehicle View has not been set a broken rule will be received.

Sequential Seed

The tooltip lets Users know that the Sequential Seed Number used for stocking Used Vehicles must be a number.

Instock Vehicle Option

When the Control Flag "Vehicle Instock Import" is enabled, Users with the permission "Add or Edit Maintenance" will be able to access the Instock Option Import.

Lender CIBC

A new Lender Calc Type has been added for CIBC. This will allow more accurate Payment projecting in the DMS for CIBC Finance Deals.

Vehicle Data Import Tool

The fields "Order ETA Date" and "PDI" have been added to the Vehicle Data Import Tool.


Populating Trades

When a Trade Vehicle is arrived into the system, the Options will populate but not the price values.

Vehicle Option Codes

Users are able to organize the Vehicle Options alphabetically by their Code while maintaining their Grouping.

Vehicle Critical Memo

Users can mark Vehicle Critical Memos as Restricted as well as give them Expiry Dates. A permission was added to the Vehicle section of User Maintenance that will allow Users to view Vehicle Critical Memos.

Key Codes

There are two separate Key Code permissions; View Key Codes and Edit Key Codes. Users with the permission View Key Code will be able to see the Vehicle's Key Code from the righthand menu in the Vehicle File. Users with both permissions will be able to View and Edit the Vehicle Key Code from the Order Information.

Changing Stock Numbers

Users need permission to Arrive Vehicle in order to change and update a Vehicle File.

Vehicle Custom Fields Audit Log

An Audit Log has been added to the Vehicle Custom Fields Maintenance.

Service History

The Service History of all attached Units will now show up in the same window when querying the Service History from any of the attached Units on a Vehicle File.



When looking at the programs for a Vehicle, in the Other tab there will no longer be checkboxes beside the Incentives.

Deal Disclosure, Trade Value

When printing the Deal Disclosure the Trade Allowance value shows as a discount line in the price section of the report.

Due Bills

Users are able to add a new line to their Pending Due Bill list and will be able to add additional comments without having to add additional products. The User will right-click in the pending Due Bills, select "Add New Line".

Net Deal

On the Deal Summary, Net Deal value will show under in the Deal Gross section.

Required Lead Type

A Control Flag has been added to enforce that a Lead Type is selected when creating a new Deal. If a Lead Type is not selected, a broken rule will be displayed.

Dealer Trade Sales Rep

When a Deal is created for a Dealer Trade, the system will now ignore the Control File setting "Allow reps to created Deals for non-customers".

Change the Contract Date

Users are able to change the Deal Contract Date from the right-click menu on the Sales Dashboard. Users can manually change the date or pick a date from the calendar.

Deal Audit Log

The Deal Audit Log will record when a Price Adjustment has been added, removed, or changed on the Deal.

Custom Forms

The Trade Odometer from the Trade screen will pull into the Odometer field on the Custom Forms.

Deal Notes

The "Notes" section within a Deal Posting will now be locked once a Deal is posted.

Deal Summary Commissions

The Deal Summary has been updated to show a break down of the Commissionable Gross on the User section of the Deal Summary. There is a column showing the Vehicle Commissionable Gross and the F&I Commissionable Gross.

Deal Disclosure

The Worksheet Disclosure has been restructured for Finance and Lease Deals so that Term, Payment Frequency, and Number of Payments are easier to understand.


A Search Assistant has been added for finding the correct Insurance Code to be applied in a Deal. This will allow Users to enter the Products and Coverage they would like and see only the Insurance Codes which sell those items.

Insurance N Type

Updated the Insurance N Type calculation to properly handle the Policy Fee.


Forms Usage

Users can print the report "Forms Usage" to see how many times a Form has been printed within a date range. The report will show the Program Name, Description, Deal Key, and the Date the Form was printed.

Inactive Users - Gross Profit Report

When printing the Gross Profit report, you are able to select Inactive Users to report on. While in the User List, the Inactive Users will be available and show with a * next to their name.

Taxing Tax on Lease Payments

We have added a taxable field for "Tax1,2,3.." in the Lease Payment tab. Additionally, a threshold has been added which can be set on these new fields as they will not be needed unless the purchase price exceeds a specific amount. This will be in effect for the Standard, Massachusetts, and State Excise Lease Tax Settings.