10.11 Unapplied Time

*Unapplied Time now gives you the ability to track when a Tech is cleaning the shop, going to training, covering the shuttle, making part deliveries, etc. This is important for a Dealership to track and allocate for payroll.


Unapplied Time can be enabled through the Dispatch Control File.

*System > Maintenance > Fixed Ops Control File >Fixed Ops Dispatch > Allow Unapplied Time "Yes"

There are two areas to generate Unapplied Time Punches if permissions are granted - Tech Login and Job Manager.

In User Maintenance flag the permission to Run Unapplied Time.

*System > Maintenance > Users > Select User > Fixed Operations Tab > Run Unapplied Time

Types need to be created through "Unapplied Time Types" in the left menu. You can Add, Edit, Delete, and Audit here. A Type will be selected for each Time punch.

*Fixed Ops >Dispatch > Maintenance > Unapplied Time Types > Select Division


*Fixed Ops >Dispatch > Tech Login

  1. Tech Login:

  • Techs that have permission for Unapplied Time will see a button on the Tech Login screen.

  • Select a Type, enter a Comment, then click "Start Unapplied."

  • Techs will not be flagged as "Available" in Job Manager when they are running Unapplied Time.

The button will change to "Stop Unapplied" while a Time Punch is running.

There will be an opportunity to Edit the Type and Comments before ending the Time Punch.

  1. Job Manager:

  • If Unapplied Time is to be managed by a Dispatcher or Advisor, it will be done through Job Manager.

  • Use the button to generate Unapplied Time Punches. The only difference from Tech Login is that a window will open to select a Tech.

  • Use the "Unapplied Time" tab to View, Manage, and Report on Time Punches.

  • Right-click on a running Time Punch to stop the Unapplied Time, or double click on the Start/End times to Edit.

  • Right-click and select Export to print a copy for payroll.