10.11 User Text Account Maintenance
KB 1650, Release Note, Texting, 12/1/2020
*This document will show you how to associate Users with Dealership Text Accounts
For instructions on Text Messaging Maintenance
KB 1649 Click Here
How to Setup
Navigate thought the left menu: *System > Maintenance > Users > Choose User > General Security > Text Messaging
Master Users:
Can see and grant access to all active Text Accounts.
Department Managers:
Can grand access to their department staff for Text accounts they have access to. They will not be able to grant access to Accounts they are not a member of
Select the Text Messaging drop-down menu, select the desired Text and click ok.
Membership Options
Uses this Text as Users default Text Account.
Access to a group and or multiple accounts
Removes all access to selected Text Account.
Each Text Account must be assigned to the User, as either Default, Member, or None. Only 1 Default account can be set.
*For this example, we have set up 3 different types of Texting accounts.
-Text will be sent to all Departments Managers and Master Users.
- Text is sent to selected Department's Users. IE. Sales
- Text is sent to a single User
No other permissions are required to use the Text lines.
If a new Text Accounts added while users are logged in, they need to log out and back in to see and add the new account to the User Profile.
Once a Text Account has been assigned to a User, a new Texting icon will appear at the top right of the software.
To review how to access your newly set up Text Account.
KB 1654 Click Here