10.11 Sales

Welcome to 10.11 Sales

Custom Deal Reports

We have added the ability to save Deal Reporting Criteria so that you can run reports a specific way without selecting the criteria every time.

KB 1589 Custom Deal Reports

Divisionalize Model Numbers for Posting Templates

This new feature will allow divisional Dealerships to set Model Numbers for specific Makes to pull into the Vehicle Translation table instead of just the Makes that are set to default.

KB 1631 Divisionalize Model Numbers for Posting Templates

Mazda E-Leads

PBS has integrated with SCI MarketView to provide E-Leads directly to our Dealers. This enhancement is available in 10.11.7 and up.

KB 1822 Mazda E-Leads

Route One - Document Upload

This feature allows the User flexibility to sign Forms from Route One with our Doc Signing App. (US only)

KB 1609 Route One - Document Upload


This feature allows the ability to change the colour theme of the software as well as change between light and dark modes.

KB 1603 Theming

Vehicle Reports

Additional features to Vehicle reports have been added to the software.

KB 1591 Vehicle Reports

Additional Sales Features

The 10.11 version of v10 has Sales changes that are important for Users to be informed about. Click here for a documented list of these feature changes.

KB 1581 Additional Sales Features

Chat Manager

Click the link below to view the updated Chat, Group, Department, and Work Item interface and their Inbox functions.

KB 1632 Work Item Chat

Email Manager

This document will show you the updated mailbox interface and mailbox functions.

KB 1621 Email Manager

Text Manager

Click the link below to view the updated Texting Inbox interface and Inbox functions.

KB 1654 Text Manager

Please email Release Management to schedule an update to 10.11.