10.11 Accounting

Welcome to 10.11 Accounting

AR Credit Authorization for Fixed Ops

This project consists of two exciting features, the first is our introduction of Authorizations. Authorizations will allow Users to approve, reject, or request more information right from their computer when an Authorization Request is sent to them. The second part is incorporating the authorization process with the creation of Fixed Operations Invoices for Customers that have overdue Invoices on their account past a se+KB 1580 AR Credit Authorization for Fixed Ops:https://cornerstone3.pbssystems.com/knowledgebase/details/1580+

Chart of Account Permissions

Chart of Account Permissions will allow you to restrict specific accounts, giving you more control over who can view and who can post to any account.

KB 1584 COA Permissions

Custom DOC Loading

Introducing Cell Types on your Custom DOC! This feature will increase the speed of loading your Custom DOC by allowing you to select the specific Cell Types contained in the DOC and prevent unnecessary data access.

KB 1565 Custom DOC Loading

Cheque Printing Rework

This two-part project includes enhancements for the complete customizability of your cheque layout. This means your Dealership can switch to cost-saving blank cheque stock if you choose.

KB 1524 Generate Statement and Cheque Printing Rework

Invoice Hub 3.0

Introducing our new Invoice Hub with a News Feed and Documents page! The News Feed will allow your Dealership to post promotional content to all your Customers' Invoice Hub accounts, while the Documents section will provide the ability to load Customer specific Documents for use.

KB 1575 Invoice Hub 3,0

Payables Posting Date

This new field allows you to have more accurate information on your Accounts Payable Invoices, now including a Posting Date along with the Invoice Date, Invoice Due Date, and Actual Date.

KB 1574 Payables Posting Date

Penny Rounding

This one is for our Canadians! Our new Penny Rounding will make your lives a little easier, automatically rounding the pennies in Cash Control transactions and posting to your chosen account.

KB 1583 Penny Rounding

Additional Accounting Features

The 10.11 version of v10 has Accounting enhancements that are important for Users to be informed about. Click here for a documented list of these feature changes.

KB 1576 Additional Accounting Features

Chat Manager

Click the link below to view the updated Chat, Group, Department, and Work Item interface and their Inbox functions.

KB 1632 Work Item Chat

Email Manager

This document will show you the updated mailbox interface and mailbox functions.

KB 1621 Email Manager

Text Manager

Click the link below to view the updated Texting Inbox interface and Inbox functions.

KB 1654 Text Manager

Please email Release Management to schedule an update to 10.11.